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EPA Excellence, Passion and Action
ref: 14
U$ 3,49

“EPA” is recommended to all those who wish to grow as people and as professionals, to all those who are or desire to be in leadership positions, to all those who feel the need of a deeper understanding of themselves and the people they engage with. This book has the power to offer instrumental references and also to help us to reflect upon ourselves and upon our approach to life.
Organizations are embedded in a volatile environment that requires rapid and effective responses, responses given according to the specificities of the situation, requiring flexibility and adequacy. In this context, the importance of people capable of meeting the demands on organization in an agile way and within ethical principles grows.
Therefore, the valuing people being protagonists in their actions in the daily life of such organization grows; at the same time, it´s observed obstacles culture and leadership find in stimulating and offering conditions so that people can reach their full potential.
The author is able to bring all her experience and analytical capacity into the book, discussing crucial issues in a light and objective way for the benefit of our self-knowledge and our growth.

About the Author

Graduated in Statistics from UFRJ, with a postgraduate degree in Sampling from Ence, an MBA in People and Business Management from USP and a postgraduate degree in Business Strategy from the University of La Verne, California, Christine Pereira, currently in the position of Chief Client Officer of Kantar, can be defined as someone in love with people and numbers.

Executive, she has a professional career of more than 25 years as a leader in research, insights and consulting companies. His career is based on a deep understanding of the consumer, the development of business strategies and the achievement of results through teams with different styles.